
I mentioned “Dimples” by John Lee Hooker in The Day the President Died. I have two copies of the Dimples album, both of the same quality.

One of them is for sale, drop me a line if you’re interested.

Here’s the title song:

Here’s what happened, as reported in the post linked above

A friend had told me about the open evenings at the Uni’s Anglican Chaplaincy. All were welcome, you didn’t have to be any kind of Christian, let alone an Anglican. This was the bait. At some point in the event, usually a lecture or a sale of books, the Chaplain himself would appear, and chat with anyone friendly-looking over tea and biscuits.

This evening was a new idea: to clear the usual rows of chairs and lectern and create a dance-floor with a set of cool pop records. One of them was Dimples. A collection of 45 rpm singles had been brought along, but everyone just wanted Dimples. If it hadn’t been for a sudden interruption, there’s no knowing how many times it would have bern played

At 8.30 someone rushed in and said “Kennedy’s dead!”. A transistor radio was found: there was nothing else on any of the channels. The actual shooting in Dallas had happened a few hours earlier, but it missed the Six O’Clock News and somehow got messed up by junior staff at the BBC. You can read about it online.

The dancing ended abruptly. The dancing ended abruptly. Looking solemn, the Chaplain invited us all to join him in an improvised prayer for Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy.

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